A Menadito


The intellectual domain goes through the ability to wander in a portion of knowledge being aware of where everything is,
to perfection,
very well,
chapter and verse,
from A to Z.

Once we knew
the world inside out:
it was so small
that it fitted in two hands,
a book.

The actor knows the book inside out. He knows it well, very well, “a menadito” (inside out). He knows it in its every page, in every nook and cranny of each written word, in its every passage – be it hidden or implied. The audience has the power to open the book to a random page and the actor, after briefly reading its first lines, starts telling, from that point on, what happens in the book. Everything by heart. Everything inside out. And thus, from a shred of narration, performative fragments open: anecdotes, connections, references, epilogues, images and impressions. The theatrical act goes on, you can select again and again. The audience sits in front of a sort of Wunderkammer – a room of wonders where collectors used to gather extraordinary objects. We won’t read you the book. We will tell it. By heart. And we prove it. It’s possible to be amazed, listening, in a state of wonder.


direction| Flavio Cortellazzi
set design, music, costumes | Teatro Magro
production | Teatro Magro
photo credits | Stanislav Sevcenco

* Jane Eyre | by Charlotte Bronte | with Agata Torelli
* Uomini e topi | by John Steinbeck | with Iulian Puscasu

* Le tre del mattino | by Gianrico Carofiglio | with Matteo Varini
* Il meglio dei racconti | by Dino Buzzati | with Vanessa Dalla Ricca

* Il punto critico | by Malcom Gladwell | with Kati Gerola
* Appunti di un giovane medico | by Michail Bulgakov | with Angelica Belladelli

* L’uomo che scambiò sua moglie per un cappello | by Oliver Sacks | with Fabio Dorini
* Musica | by Yukio Mishima | with Pietro Varini

* L’ozio come stile di vita | by Tom Hodgkinson | with Silvia Cortellazzi
* Altri libertini | by Pier Vittorio Tondelli | with Eugenio Negrini

* Il signore delle mosche | by William Golding | with Elena Truzzi
* Fahrenheit 451 | by Ray Bradbury | with José Andrés Tarifa Pardo

* La seduzione di Elia | by Mario Mirandola | with Elia Grassi
* Ogni cosa è illuminata | by Jonathan Safran Foer | with Lorenzo Mirandola

* Il grande quaderno | by Ágota Kristóf | with Iulia Puscasu
* Di cosa parliamo quando parliamo d’amore | by Raymond Carver | with Rebecca Cenzato

* Il Giardino dei Finzi-Contini | by Giorgio Bassani | with Desirée Mora
* Cuore di tenebra | by Joseph Conrad | with Francesca Annibaletti

Artistic direction:: Flavio Cortellazzi | flaviocortellazzi@teatromagro.com

Distribution: Fabio Dorini | fabiodorini@teatromagro.com


A Menadito

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